Marketers are constantly seeking ways to optimize their advertising spend and drive measurable business results. As consumers increasingly rely on their mobile devices for discovery, research, and purchase decisions, understanding the real-world impact of campaigns using mobile device location presents a leap forward in measurement capabilities. 

Azira is a leading provider of advanced location-based attribution solutions that empower advertisers to quantify the offline impact of their digital, out-of-home (OOH), and connected TV (CTV) campaigns. By harnessing the power of high-quality, privacy-compliant mobile location data and sophisticated data science, Azira provides unprecedented visibility into how media investments translate into foot traffic and in-store visits, and boost revenue.

Let’s explore how Azira's platform works and the unique value it delivers to advertisers. We'll discuss key use cases and success stories, and share best practices for leveraging location data to optimize media strategy and tactics. Whether you're a brand marketer, agency strategist, or media executive, this eBook will provide you with a foundational understanding of how Azira can help you drive better business outcomes from your marketing efforts.

The Power of Location Data

At its core, Azira's attribution platform is powered by mobile location data. By aggregating anonymized, opt-in data from a wide range of smartphones and apps, Azira is able to produce detailed, real-time insights into how consumers move through the physical world. This includes not just their visits to stores, restaurants, and other points of interest, but also the context around those visits – where they came from, where else they go, and what other behaviors and affinities they exhibit. 

This location data provides a powerful lens for understanding consumer behavior and campaign performance. Some key use cases include:

Foot Traffic Measurement

By analyzing the increase in visits to a given location after an ad exposure, advertisers can quantify the direct impact of their campaigns on driving in-store traffic. This allows them to optimize spending towards the tactics and audiences that are most effective at generating visits.

Competitive Benchmarking

Location data can also be used to understand how a brand's foot traffic compares to that of key competitors. By measuring share of visits and visit frequency over time, marketers can gauge their relative performance and identify opportunities to win over customers from competitors.

Customer Journey Insights

Beyond counting visits, location data can reveal valuable insights about the customer journey – what types of places do visitors frequent before and after coming to a store? How does this differ across audience segments? These insights can inform everything from media targeting to site selection decisions.

Offline Sales Attribution

For businesses with physical points of sale, location data can be used to estimate the incremental revenue driven by advertising. By calibrating the relationship between store visits and purchase value, Azira's platform can provide a privacy-friendly way to measure media ROI without relying on, or as a supplement to purchase data.

Of course, the value of these use cases depends heavily on the quality and representativeness of the underlying data. That's why Azira has built a best-in-class location data stack, with a focus on accuracy, scale, and privacy compliance.

Azira's Approach to Data Quality

Azira's location data is sourced through direct integrations with leading mobile apps and SDK providers. By working closely with these partners, Azira is able to access high-quality, first-party location signals with user consent. All data is collected and processed in accordance with industry best practices and regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

Azira ensures data reliability for advertisers by employing rigorous screening and filtering to eliminate imprecise and fraudulent data, carefully selecting and monitoring SDK partners, and utilizing advanced data collection techniques. The result is a high-fidelity, de-duplicated stream of location datasets that can be reliably used for attribution, providing advertisers with a trusted foundation for decision-making.

Unlocking Actionable Insights

For advertisers, the true test of a location data platform is not just the quality of the data, but also how actionable the insights it generates are. That's why Azira has built a robust suite of reporting and optimization tools to help brands and agencies maximize the value of location intelligence.

At the core of the platform is Azira's attribution dashboard, which allows users to quickly assess the offline impact of their media campaigns. The dashboard provides a clear, concise view of key metrics like total attributed visits, incremental visit lift vs. control, cost per visit, and visit rate by tactic and audience. This allows advertisers to easily identify top-performing and underperforming elements, and make real-time optimizations to improve results.

Beyond the topline metrics, Azira's platform enables deep, multidimensional analysis of location data. Users can easily slice and dice their attribution metrics by variables like:


Measure visits and lift by designated metro area (DMA), state, ZIP code, or custom geo-fence to identify regional impact and optimize spending by market.


Compare visit rates and incrementality across demographic, behavioral, and intent-based audience segments to refine targeting and personalization.

Publisher and Placement

Analyze performance by media partner, ad format, device, and placement to identify the most efficient and effective tactics.


Assess the relative impact of different creative themes, calls-to-action, and formats on driving in-store response.

Time and Frequency

Understand how visit rates vary by day of week, daypart, and ad frequency to optimize messaging.


These insights can be easily accessed through Azira's interactive dashboards, as well as exported to other analytics platforms or data warehouses for further analysis. Azira also offers a robust API that allows brands and agencies to push location data and attribution metrics directly into their internal systems and workflows.

Success Stories and Results

By leveraging Azira's platform to measure and optimize their location-based marketing efforts, brands across industries have achieved impressive outcomes. Some examples include:

  • A leading national retailer used Azira to measure the in-store impact of a multi-channel digital campaign across display, video, and social. By identifying the top-performing zip codes, audience segments, and creative tactics, the brand was able to more than double its attributed visit rate while reducing cost per visit by 30%.
  • An international QSR chain leveraged Azira's foot traffic insights to optimize its outdoor billboard buys. By analyzing which placements and markets were most effective at driving visits to nearby restaurant locations, the chain was able to reallocate its OOH budget for a 25% increase in visitation lift.
  • A major automotive brand used Azira's platform to measure the impact of its Tier 1 national TV campaigns on dealership visits. By comparing the lift in visitation between exposed and unexposed households, the brand was able to quantify an incremental cost per dealer visit of $25 – far more efficient than traditional metrics like cost per click or cost per lead.
  • A popular travel app worked with Azira to understand the link between in-app engagement and real-world travel behavior. By analyzing the location patterns of its users before and after key in-app actions, the app was able to identify the features and content that were most predictive of booking a trip and optimize its product and messaging accordingly.

These are just a few examples of how Azira's platform has delivered tangible value and ROI for its clients. By providing a clear, trusted lens into the offline impact of media, Azira empowers advertisers to make smarter, more confident decisions about where and how to invest their budgets.

Getting Started with Azira

For advertisers looking to tap into the power of location analytics, getting started with Azira is simple. The platform is designed to be flexible and customizable to the unique needs and goals of each client, with a range of service and support models available.

Azira works with each advertiser to understand their specific business objectives, KPIs, and existing measurement frameworks. This discovery process helps ensure that the location data and attribution metrics delivered by the platform are aligned with the advertiser's overall strategy and decision-making process.

Next, Azira's data science team works to ingest and normalize the advertiser's media exposure data, ensuring that all campaigns and tactics are properly tracked and attributed.

Once the exposure data is integrated, Azira begins processing the advertiser's campaigns through its attribution models, generating visit counts, lift metrics, and other insights. These metrics are then fed back into the advertiser's preferred reporting tools and dashboards, either via direct integration or through scheduled data exports.

Azira's client success team provides ongoing support and consultation, working closely with the advertis- er to derive actionable insights and optimization opportunities from the platform's output. This can include everything from identifying high-performing audience segments and tactics to forecasting future media performance based on historical trends.

As the advertiser's needs and objectives evolve, Azira's platform is designed to scale and adapt accord- ingly. Whether it's incorporating new data sources, expanding into new channels and markets, or develop- ing custom attribution models and metrics, Azira's flexible architecture and expert service team ensure that clients can continue to derive maximum value from the platform over time.


In today's data-driven marketing landscape, location analytics is a key tool for optimizing the real-world impact of advertising. By providing a direct, privacy-friendly way to measure the link between ad exposure and in-store visitation, platforms like Azira are helping advertisers close the loop on their media investments and drive tangible business outcomes.

With its rigorous approach to data quality, powerful and flexible attribution platform, and expert strategic support, Azira empowers advertisers to make smarter, more confident decisions about their marketing spend. By leveraging Azira's insights to optimize their campaigns and tactics, brands across industries are driving meaningful lift in foot traffic, in-store sales, and customer loyalty.

As the advertising landscape continues to evolve and fragment, the importance of location data will only continue to grow. By partnering with Azira, advertisers can stay ahead of the curve and continue to deliver exceptional experiences and value to their customers, both online and off.